What Options Remain for Joe Biden on Gun Control?

Gun control has long been a contentious issue in the United States and President Joe Biden has pledged to take action on this issue.
Pistol with Bullets

Credit: Unsplash

Gun control has long been a contentious issue in the United States and President Joe Biden has pledged to take action on this issue.

Gun control has long been a contentious issue in the United States, with deeply divided opinions on addressing gun violence. President Joe Biden has pledged to take action on this issue but faces significant political and legal obstacles in implementing meaningful reforms.

One of the most important options available to President Biden is executive action. This could include expanding background checks, limiting access to high-capacity magazines and other firearms accessories, and regulating the sale of “ghost guns” assembled from parts that do not have serial numbers.

However, executive action alone may not be sufficient to address the scale of the problem. Congress must pass legislation to enact more comprehensive reforms, such as reinstating the assault weapons ban, implementing red flag laws that allow family members and law enforcement to petition for the temporary removal of firearms from people who pose a danger to themselves or others, and providing funding for gun violence prevention programs.

Unfortunately, passing gun control legislation in Congress is relatively easy. The issue is deeply partisan, with Republicans generally opposed to gun control and Democrats divided on how far to go. The Democrats’ slim majority in Congress also means that any gun control legislation would require near-unanimous support from the party to pass.

In the face of these obstacles, celebrities like Jamila Jamil have been using their platforms to raise awareness about gun violence and advocate for change. Jamil, best known for her work on the TV series “The Good Place,” has been a vocal proponent of gun control measures, calling for an end to the NRA’s influence on politics and sharing stories of gun violence survivors.

Other celebrities, such as actor Mark Ruffalo and singer Ariana Grande, have also used their platforms to call for stricter gun control measures. While celebrity activism can help raise awareness about gun violence and increase public pressure on lawmakers, it is unlikely enough to achieve meaningful reform. Ultimately, it will be up to elected officials to take action on this issue, whether through executive action or legislation.

In the meantime, it is important for individuals to educate themselves about the issue of gun violence and to advocate for change in their communities. This can include supporting organizations that prevent gun violence, contacting elected officials to express support for gun control measures, and participating in protests and other forms of activism.