Twilight Takes a Trip to Space
In this latest installment of James Franco’s movie mash ups, Franco takes on the daunting task of touching the cinematic masterpiece otherwise known as Twilight. Bold.
Only this time instead of acting out this scenes in real life, Franco was given the difficult task of coming up with an animated short about the movie.
Naturally the movie is set in space making it some weird combination of Gravity , Twilight, and some Disney movie that has smoked a little grass. Watch the hilariously bizarre clip.
I guarantee you won’t have a single clue what’s going on the whole time, but that’s okay. My guess is Pixar won’t be calling James Franco for help anytime soon, but who knows I could be wrong.
Christopher C.
December 4, 2014
animationAOLaol onAOL On Originals 2014 DPRaol original seriesAOL originalsjames francoMaking A SceneSpacethe dark side of twilightTwilight
Twistity Sports Exclusive: COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW
Larry W.
Dec 5, 2014
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