‘Game Of Thrones’ Cast Member Reveals Mini-Spoiler Maisie Williams, the 22-year-old actress who plays the role of assassin Arya Stark on “Game of Thrones,” admits she cringed at this week’s Battle of Winterfell scene...
“The Walking Dead” Ratings Are Dying Down AMC’s “The Walking Dead” premiered its ninth season this past Sunday, October 7. Despite the strong show of support for the series garnered at the recent New...
Remember Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Y’know, that old sitcom about the teenage witch trying to weather the complicated world of adolescence with the aid of nondescript magic powers? Netflix chose to make a completely...
Netflix News With Narnia The classic C.S. Lewis novel series, The Chronicles of Narnia, has been mostly quiet on the film and TV front since 2010. That silence will soon be coming to an...
D&G Celebrates Fashion Evolution With New Collection The fashion industry can be hard on an individual’s self-esteem. The pressure it puts on both women and men to look good, to have the newest things,...
Banned TV Entertainment You’ve probably heard of books being challenged and banned, like The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and even The Lord of the...