After 25 years, the animated series is moving onto new leads. Since it began airing in the 90s, the Pokemon animated series has followed the adventures of Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu. Ash...
Many of the creators had not been informed about the removal until after it already happened. Back in August, streaming service HBO Max generated major controversy with the sudden removal of numerous shows and...
Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed the delay on the Nintendo Twitter. The animated film adaptation of the classic Super Mario Bros. series of video games, produced in partnership between Nintendo and animation studio Illumination, was slated...
The film will be a magical musical in the hills of Colombia. Today, Disney released the first trailer for their next animated motion picture, Encanto. The film takes place in a village in Colombia,...
The blue-haired housewife doesn’t like being used as an insult. The Simpsons have always had an interesting relationship with politics as a general concept. Sometimes, they go for more lighthearted jabs at current presidents...
Get Ready For The Next Adventure With Your Favorite Toys The new installment of the Disney Pixar animation classic “Toy Story” is coming back for the fourth installment, bring back the old gang with...