Why Your Fitness Band Might Be Lying To You

Tech Alert Most of us nowadays have some sort of a fitness tracker. With that being said, if you haven’t recently calibrated your tracker, then you may be doing...

Tech Alert

Most of us nowadays have some sort of a fitness tracker. With that being said, if you haven’t recently calibrated your tracker, then you may be doing it all wrong and your fitness tracker is then indeed lying to you!


So, whatever mileage you track today might be more or less then what your fitness tracker is telling you. And that’s because by default trackers calculate distance by multiplying your walking steps and walking stride length and stride length is set by using your height and gender. But, if your tracker guessed your stride length wrong, then your distance is wrong as well.

There is good news, because if all you care about is your relative step count, then there is no need to calibrate. But if you would like the calibrated just Google search how to calibrate for your specific tracker and most likely you will need to head to a place where you know the exact mileage to help program your tracker. For more details be sure to check out the video above.