Why And How You Should Pack Your Lunches

It may be easier than you think The rush of life can leave lots of people unprepared when it comes to lunchtime. Day after day, we “splurge” on Chik-Fil-A...

It may be easier than you think

The rush of life can leave lots of people unprepared when it comes to lunchtime. Day after day, we “splurge” on Chik-Fil-A or Chipotle, we go for the vending machine at the slightest sound of afternoon stomach grumbles, we assure ourselves not to worry, just to pick something up, and so on. Week after week, we say we’ll start the right routines, the right grocery lists, the right meal-prep process and Tupperware.

We actually should start planning and packing lunches, because ordering out so much and eating unhealthy is bad for the body and the debit card.

One way to plan for a good lunch is to load up on veggies. Whether you’ve had time to cook them and spice them up or just munch on them raw, they are a great staple to have because you can enjoy them in excess. And they come in so many textures and flavors! Also choose grains over starches and fresh fruits over processed sugars.

You want to pack your lunches because it gives you control of a very important thing: what goes into your body!