Smartphone Addiction

Curbing The Addiction It’s not shocking to find that there is a very unhealthy addiction to smartphones happening in our world. Whether it’s a text message or a snapchat...

Curbing The Addiction

It’s not shocking to find that there is a very unhealthy addiction to smartphones happening in our world. Whether it’s a text message or a snapchat notification, people are simply addicted to the rush they get when they see a notice on their phone. It doesn’t mean that you cannot curb this addiction, and perhaps it’s something you should look into if you find yourself sucked into your phone more than not.

On average, adults check their phones 50-300 times a day, so it comes as no surprise that experts are saying this amount of usage can lead to addictive behavior. Just as drugs release dopamine in the brain that causes addictive behavior, smartphones do the exact same thing. Some experts even argue that phone have the same addictive power as a drug. Psychologists say that smart phone notifications could be releasing these pleasure chemicals in the brain.

If you think you fall into the category of addicted, or just want to take a healthy break, turn your phone off for a day and pursue other things. Or, if you can’t turn your phone off due to work or in case of emergency, turn off notifications or set specific times for non-smartphone use, like at the dinner table or during meals.