Common Personality Traits Of Rich People

Wealthy people have these personality traits in common How are millionaires different from the Average Joe? German researcher Rainer Zitelmann set out to answer that question for his new...

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Wealthy people have these personality traits in common

How are millionaires different from the Average Joe? German researcher Rainer Zitelmann set out to answer that question for his new book, “The Wealth Elite.” It turns out rich people really do have distinct personality types, which includes being less neurotic and less agreeable than the average person.

Millionaires are, however, more conscientious and more open-minded than most people, Zitelmann’s research found. Rich people also tend to be extroverts.

Neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and extraversion are known as “the big five” personality traits. Overall, people with very high net worth score low in the first two traits and high in the last three, Zitelmann found.

“To sum this up, you can say that rich people are less neurotic and less agreeable but have a higher degree of conscientiousness, are more open to new experience, and more extroverted than the population as a whole,” Zitelmann told Business Insider.

Conscientiousness was the most dominant personality trait of the ultra-wealthy. Conscientious people are organized and attuned to detail, and they tend to pride themselves on being reliable.

“The ultra-wealthy tend to be goal-oriented, Zitelmann’s research found. The vast majority of the interviewees said they always keep their promises, a trait that has helped them gain the trust of their business partners and investors,” Business Insider reports.