Kamala Harris Promotes Closing Gender Pay Gap Kamala Harris, a California Senator and Democratic candidate for President in 2020, has a plan to tackle the gender pay gap. Right now, Harris says, women only...
The New Democratic Candidate For 2020 Presidential Election New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is the latest Democrat to announce he is running for President in a very crowded field of primary candidates....
Scarborough Says Trump Is Scared Of Biden President Trump has said he’s not afraid of former Vice President Joe Biden, who announced he is running for the Democratic nomination for President last week. In...
Buttigieg Takes On Homophobic Hecklers At Campaign Stop Pete Buttiegieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana and a wild-card Democratic primary candidate, faced homophobic hecklers at a campaign stop in Iowa. Buttigieg is openly...
Gillium Is Making History Andrew Gillium just won the Democratic nomination for the governor of Florida on August 28th, this one nominee could possibly run for the 2020 Presidential election and may change the...
Should Hillary Embrace Her Femininity During The Presidential Campaign? In what turned out to be the most unexpectedly expected political news so far this year, Hillary Clinton has officially announced that she is running...