Sonic Will Undergo Make Over To Appease Fans Paramount released the trailer for the upcoming live-action film “Sonic The Hedgehog” this week, and fans greeted it with mixed reactions. After getting complaints about Sonic’s...
Jim Carrey’s new show ‘Kidding’ premiered in September on Showtime. After a slow start, the show now averages 3.3 million viewers on every episode across all of CBS’ channels. The first season hasn’t even...
Jim Carrey And Hugh Jackman Impersonation If you don’t follow Jim Carrey or Hugh Jackman on Instagram then you might want to start. Jim and Hugh took to social media to impersonate one another...
Is Angie Ready to Take-On the Political Arena? Academy award winning actress Angelina Jolie maybe taking on a new career and I’ll give you a hint its not in the entertainment industry, although...