Kutcher is returning for the Netflix spin-off That ’90s Show. Netflix is currently developing That ’90s Show, a spin-off series to the classic sitcom That ’70s Show. The new series will focus on the...
Demi reveals addiction to former husband during “Red Table Talk” In an interview on Jada Pinkett Smith’s show, “Red Table Talk,” Demi Moore revealed she was “addicted” to Ashton Kutcher during their marriage. Moore...
Kunis Shows Off Baby Bump Number 2! Mila and husband Ashton Kutcher have a craving for something sweet. The cute couple is spotted leaving a bakery. Kunis and Kutcher are expecting their second child...
Airbnb In NYC This week, two New York City Council members sent a letter to several high profile Airbnb investors, including actor Ashton Kutcher and tech mogul Jeff Bezos. The letters sent are warning...
Wedding Bells And Fireworks Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis were certainly celebrating on the 4th of July if rumors are to be believed. However, rather than celebrating independence the Hollywood A Listers were celebrating...
Ashton Kutcher Slams Media For Publishing Photos of Daughter Wyatt Ashton Kutcher slams the media and all in defense of his daughter Wyatt. The thirty-seven year old took to Twitter to respond to outlets...