Self-Care Tips From Health And Wellness Experts

Chances are, if you’re not feeling like your best self, it could be because of those habits you stick to that require some much needed change. Taking care of...

Chances are, if you’re not feeling like your best self, it could be because of those habits you stick to that require some much needed change. Taking care of yourself is like brushing your teeth or staying hydrated – it should be a part of your daily habits or routines.

Health and Wellness experts spoke with several news outlets to get the word out about the importance of self-care and how to practice it. Here are some tips they recommend to get yourself feeling tip top.

They do recommend getting in a little bit of exercise. The key idea here is that a little bit goes a long way! If you start your day with a few minutes of exercise, you should feel more energized the whole day. It’s a few minutes that are all about you and your body, and nothing else, which is pretty nice.

They also warn against binge-watching. I think it’s okay to kick back and be immersed in a few episodes of your favorite show, but experts say it’s not a good habit to keep the TV on as background noise. Most people know it doesn’t feel great when you feel like you have wasted your day on nothing in particular and nothing special while sitting on the couch.

Before bed, you can take a bath and toss in some Epsom salt, or moisturize or diffuse some essential oils for their soothing scents. All of this relaxes you and lets you wind down peacefully. Experts remind us that’s better a better way to relax than having a drink.