President Obama Throws A Curve Ball In His Speech! Find Out What He Said

  Was That a Burn We Heard Mr. POTUS? There was a lot on the agenda of the President Tuesday night during the State Of The Union as he...


Was That a Burn We Heard Mr. POTUS?

There was a lot on the agenda of the President Tuesday night during the State Of The Union as he talked about fair wages, climate change, Cuba relations, ISIS, Transgender rights, and much more.

The night was full of plans, details, and what is in store for the future of the United States.


However, while the President had many important topics to talk about he also drew some unexpected applause during Tuesday night’s State of the Union address following a line he has often repeated since his 2012 re-election “I know Because I Won Both Elections.”

This statement put a halt to most who were criticizing the President and he thoughtfully continued on with his speech, as the crowd was not expecting that one!

So, what did you think of SOTU President Obama’s speech?